Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why is there a Toshiba hard drive in my Dell laptop?

I hate Toshiba brand, therefore i bought a Dell laptop. A few days ago the hard drive dies, i take it out and see that it's Toshiba brand hard drive. Is it suppose to be like that or did someone change my hard drive?Why is there a Toshiba hard drive in my Dell laptop?Dell no longer actually manufactures much of anything.

Basically all Dell does is assemble collections of computer components that they purchase from other vendors. Usually whoever can supply the component the cheapest gets the contract.

Other stuff like printers, Dell will just buy complete, from say Lexmark, and glue a Dell nameplate on it.

If you really want certain name brand components, why not try building your own machine? You will get the brand of parts that you want, you will have it YOUR way and you will likely save some good coin in the process!

Look for parts at Tiger or Newegg: is there a Toshiba hard drive in my Dell laptop?Toshiba makes hard drives, too, bro, among other things.Why is there a Toshiba hard drive in my Dell laptop?It's supposed to be like that. Dell doesn't make hard drives (nor for that matter do they make memory chips, motherboards, graphics chips, CPU chips, CD/DVD drives, power supplies, hard drives, etc.). Open up any computer and you'll find parts made by dozens of different companies.

Dell (and their competitors) buy their parts from different companies based on what meets their requirements for performance, quality, and price - they usually don't care *who* makes them, and the average customer doesn't know or care.

It's not only computers that are like this - even things like appliances, cars, etc. use many parts that are made by different companies.

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