Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My DELL XPS shuts down automatically as soon as I start any game. Please tell me y it happens?

I Have Dell XPS M1530, integrated with NVIDIA graphic card along with 4GB RAM.

The problem occurred with games like Silkroad, Hitman , Operation FlashPoint .My DELL XPS shuts down automatically as soon as I start any game. Please tell me y it happens?You're working right along on your laptop and all of a sudden the screen goes dark and the fan whirs to a stop. You are left wondering what just happened. Laptop computers may occasionally shut down on their own and cause some frustration but it is likely that you can figure out the cause of the problem and get it back up and running in no time.


Computers often shut down because they are overheated. This could be a result of several underlying problems. A malfunctioning fan could be the reason for the processor's excess heat. If the fan is turning too slowly or not at all, it may not take long for the temperature inside the computer to reach a point that will cause it to stop working and shut down. In these instances, a fan motor may need to be replaced, which can be done on your own or by taking it in to a computer repair technician.

Sometimes the problem is much simpler. The vents in your laptop are meant to allow air to circulate through the system in order to cool the processor. Over time, dust and debris may clog the vents if they are not regularly cleaned. The clogs prevent air from entering the vents and this may lead to overheating. Unless the heat has caused serious damage, cleaning the vents out may solve the problem and the laptop will work normally.

Power Supply

If the laptop computer suddenly shuts down, it could be because of a break in the power supply. If the laptop is plugged into an outlet for power, check to see if the plug was pulled from the socket and make sure the cord is properly connected to the computer.

If the laptop is running on battery power, then it is possible that the battery is drained and no longer has enough power to run the computer. A simple recharge of the laptop battery should fix the problem. Typically, a laptop has an indicator on the screen that tells how much battery life is left so that a shutdown is not a surprise.


Some computer viruses can cause the sudden shutdown of a computer. These destructive programs can be picked up online from websites that are untrustworthy or from downloading information contained in spam emails, among other sources.My DELL XPS shuts down automatically as soon as I start any game. Please tell me y it happens?
This happens probably because you're on it too long. If you're not on it for a long time, it's probably time to get a new computer.My DELL XPS shuts down automatically as soon as I start any game. Please tell me y it happens?reinstall the gameMy DELL XPS shuts down automatically as soon as I start any game. Please tell me y it happens?
filipinos penddejos atntamente los mexicanosMy DELL XPS shuts down automatically as soon as I start any game. Please tell me y it happens?You've a virus threat in ur computer. Pls service it.

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