Last updated 05:00 13/01/2011
Captain America's latest foe is deadlier than the Red Skull: suicide.
The character armed with his trademark shield faces off against suicide in a new story that publisher Marvel Entertainment released Wednesday for free through its website and app.
The toll-free hotline for the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is featured in the work, too.
The 11-page story Captain America: A Little Help is written by psychologist Tim Ursiny and illustrated by Nick Dragotta.
In it, a despondent youth is poised to jump off a building when he spies Captain America facing a bevy of villains on a nearby roof. The fracas keeps him from going over the edge, literally and figuratively.
There is no dialogue, save for the end, which ends with the boy saving both the hero and, in the process, himself.
"Super heroes fight a lot of battles, but there are few more important than combating suicide," said Tom Brevoort, Marvel Entertainment's senior vice president of publishing.
"That's why we're making Captain America: A Little Help available for free via our digital comics outlets," he said in a statement. "If even one person calls this number instead of doing something very tragic, we know that means we succeeded."鈥?/a>
I'm personally wondering if the comic was created, in the response to the gay teen that commited suicide last year and the other gay teen who commited suicide recently. My opinion is that while it's a good thing, what about the people who aren't fans of Captain America hmmm?What is your opinion on a Captain America comic, that has been created and centred around the issue of Suicide?
As a person that has been there I can relate to it. Mine was over a marriage going bad but that same woman came home and saved my life before I bled to death. We are still married and working hard on making our marriage better everyday. I applaud anyone that informs the people of this tragic illness in the hopes that maybe we can recognize the symptoms and do something to prevent it before it is too late.
Ages 17-21 the cause of death among white males is suicide in the US. If some of them are reading Captain America and can get some help instead of becoming a statistic, then hooray for Captain America.What is your opinion on a Captain America comic, that has been created and centred around the issue of Suicide?
CA was never trained for the complexities of the modern America.
A Comic Book Hero should not be involved.
Stan Lee should have retired him years ago.
Sounds like a good idea to me.It can't hurt anything and it will get people talking about something that its usually hush hush.What is your opinion on a Captain America comic, that has been created and centred around the issue of Suicide?
I think it is a good thing and hopefully, as you
say, they will come up with ones for people
that aren't fans. If this one goes over well
they probably will
Lets take it at face value and say it is ag ood thing intil we find out otherwise Devo. I have not herar do this thank you for the info.
I think it is a positive step.
Sure, but kids should not be allowed to read it. They might consider suicide as an option when they are confronted with problems. Actually death by suicide is like jumping into an abyss of intense emotional, mental and spiritual pain. No amount of pain on earth can equal the pain of disembodiment when the time has not yet come to die.
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