Friday, January 20, 2012

Superman vs Captain America who'd win?

I think the Cap would win - Vibranium Eratz shield absorbs energy - any attack superman gives would be absorbed and could be redirrected by the shield ultimately tiring superman out? can I b wrong ? wat r ur thoughts?Superman vs Captain America who'd win?
this is a ridiculous question. You're right about the Vibranium, but Superman has superspeed. Even with his enhanced super-soldier reflexes and the shield Cap wouldn't be fast enough to block a punch thrown by Superman.

In order to win Cap would have to do what Batman did in Dark Knight Returns. He'd have to set it up so that he was in control of when and where they would fight and have a kryptonite surprise waiting for the Man of Steel as well.
Cap wouldn't have a chance honestly. Superman wins by a landslide. I don't think landslide is a strong enough word for that situation.Superman vs Captain America who'd win?
Superman is a LOT smarter than people give him credit for. In the unlikely event that he and Cap ever fought, Cap would not stand a chance without allies.
i think superman would win he doesn't get tired and his got unlimited powerSuperman vs Captain America who'd win?
No one wins if they fight over Afghanistan airspace.
Superman doesn't have to sleep....

(Unless Cap can rustle up some kryptonite, he's toast)
it must be the most wonderful game in the 21 century.

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