Friday, January 20, 2012

Is there going to be one big superhero movie that includes them all?

I've noticed that in Iron Man 2, there we relations (such as Captain America's Shield and Thor's Axe) that corresponded to other superheroes from Marvel Comics. Also, in the end of The Incredible Hulk, Tony Stark is shown. Is there soon going to be a huge Marvel Superhero movie that includes all the heroes in some way? Will DC Comics do the same thing? Any other details will be much appreciated! Thanks!Is there going to be one big superhero movie that includes them all?
I heard maybe Justice League
I can't believe you don't know this but I'm a movie geek so I expect everyone else to be....

Marvel are currently making Thor (directed by Kenneth Branagh) and soon will be making Captain America (with Chris Evans playing him - human torch in fantastic four films). These are gonna set up, "The Avengers" movie out in about 2/3 years time, which is like a dream team of superheroes which will also include Iron man and the hulk (rumoured to be the villain, who they collectively have to apprehend after going out of control).

Don't know if the DC universe is going to do the same, but the guy behind The Dark Knight is assisting with the production of a new Superman script. Also they are making a Green Lantern film with Ryan Reynolds playing him.

If you want to find out more, look at the above mentioned films on, and for any movie news go on Hope that helps!Is there going to be one big superhero movie that includes them all?
They'd have to pull one of the story arcs that includes all of them, and that will only happen if the public keeps liking the movies.

There are a few story arcs that encompass the whole Marvel or DC universe, and a few that even incorporate them both... but I think it's a long shot to expect to see any of them on the screen, partly because of the cash it would take to get all that talent on the screen at the same time!

Yes. They already have a director for the Avengers movie. The next Marvel movie out will be Thor, then Captain America, then Iron Man 3 and then an Avengers movie.Is there going to be one big superhero movie that includes them all?
It does look like they are teasing us with that premise.

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