Monday, January 23, 2012

Batman vs Captain America?

Who would win a fight, Batman or Captain America? I'm not familiar with Captain America besides the recent movie, so I'm not in a place to judge. Their physical strength, speed and stamina are peak human, so would Batman with his baterangs and intense martial arts ability win, or would Captain America win with his shield that can be used as a weapon and military training?Batman vs Captain America?
Steve vs. Bruce
Captain's jumped off buildings and the shield absorbed the blow, so I'm sure it would absorb Batman's punches.
Captain WILL kill if he has to, but he doesn't enjoy it.
The advantage that Captain has I think is that he is slightly physically superior and has his shield, but I'm not sure if it would protect him against everything Bruce throws at him.
Personally, I think it could go either way. Both are great fighters and in great physical condition- but I think Captain has quicker reflexes.
Super-human good fighter vs. good fighter. Captain %26gt; Batman for now.

With prep, Batman. Without, a slight advantage for Steve.

Bucky vs Dick
Grayson has a good chance of winning in this one, seeing as he was in the circus, Robin, Nightwing, and then Batman. But if Bucky's punches will probably take him down considering his bionic arm. But Bucky has been trained by the army since he was a kid. I don't think you can beat training on the front lines.

cap is a "perfect" human far Beyond batman's limits bcuz bataman has limits cap is way beyond that! Captain America's strength, endurance, agility, speed, reflexes, durability, and healing are at the highest limits of natural human potential. Rogers' body regularly replenishes the super-soldier serum; it does not wear off.captain america has to much going for him so cap wins, batman has fancy gadgets yes but what else? hes a ninja with fancy weapons that's about it. batman is cool i like him alot but i don't think he has anything on cap,Batman vs Captain America?
Captain America has knocked out the Hulk on one occasion. A feat that I don't think Batman is strong enough to do. Though Batman has been trained in numerous martial arts and mental conditioning, so has Captain America; in addition to his super-soldier serum augmentation. He also has a bit of a regenerative healing factor, albeit not anywhere near as effective as Wolverine's. I'd have to give it to Captain America.
Captain America has super-human strength, speed, and combat intelligence along with a shield that is near indestructible.

Batman knows every combat fighting style, and has a bunch of weapons.

Captain America would destroy him. His strength and speed are way to superior to CA. Most of his weapons wouldn't even work against Cap because his shield cant not be stopped.Batman vs Captain America?
Tradition gives the Captain a slight edge.

John Galt is completely wrong: Captain America is not superhuman, he is super-human. His abilities are the peak of human ability, but not above that. And his strength, speed and endurance are not even close to Superman's. More like a factor 1000 less.
As much as I am a fanboy for batman, Captain America is actually super human in terms of his strength, speed and stamina. Similar to superman, but without a major weakness, and cannot fly.
I'd say Batman, he's dealt with guys like Bane and grundy. So I don't think super strength will be too much for him to handle. Along with his stealth and brain, I think he can outdo Captain America.
Definetly The Bat because of his extraordinary mind and hi end technology.

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